Thousands of years have passed since ancient civilization ceased to exist. Entire empires had already emerged and dissolved in the pages of history, but the sculpture in the ancient style is still considered one of the best solutions for the interior.
Antique sculpture means the ancient Greek sculpture of the Homeric era (XII-VIII centuries BC), as well as the VII-VI centuries, samples of the best statues and ensembles were created. The heyday of Greek sculpture fell on the period of high classics (V century BC).
They say that brilliant works of art, first of all, are striking in their simplicity and inner realism. You can readily believe this when you look at the white face of an antique statue. And it does not matter when the antique sculpture was created-three thousand years ago or a few months ago in a modern Studio. A man fascinated by marble, involuntarily recalls the legend of the mythical Medusa, which turned living people into stone… and only sculptors know how much you need to invest the strength and soul to stone image seemed alive.
The sculpture of antiquity inspired the creators of the Renaissance, and today’s plastic art would hardly exist in its present form, if not for the canons developed by the Greek school. The first sculptures found in Greece belong to the archaic period. They are somewhat schematic and disproportionate, but at the same time attractive, because on the faces of young men kurosov and dev KOR plays a mysterious half-smile, which gives the appearance of emotional depth. Sculptures of antiquity of this period are quite dynamic, and the position of the body is always possible to understand what meaning the author wanted to put in his work. For example, The “goddess with a pomegranate” holds her hand in the position of blessing, and the pose of the “Warrior of Piraeus” is clear that he is conducting a casual conversation. Antique sculptures of the classical period have very expressive facial features and dynamic poses. They are also characterized by internal dynamics, harmony, perfect proportions and deep inner meaning. The masters of this period knew human anatomy very well. During this period, there are famous works-Athena Parthenos, Discobolus, the Wounded Amazon, Aphrodite of Cnidus. The sculpture of the Hellenistic era is more complex and emotional. During this period, the Greek masters actively used the experience of the East, so they chose complex angles, elegant draperies, and decorated the images with elegant details and gave them intricate poses. Antique sculpture of this period breathes expression and makes a strong impression. The most striking example of Hellenism is Laocoon and his sons. The main characters struggle with the snakes that Zeus sent them, but realize the hopelessness of their situation. On their faces is read despair, and the viewer is bewitched by a sense of “reality” seen.
Someone will say that modern sculpture is just an imitation of the masterpieces of antiquity. But we know for sure that every modern master, like the creators of Greece, puts his soul into his creations. Modern works have the same features as Greek antique sculptures:
Modern statues are usually made in white, although it is no secret that in fact the sculpture of antiquity was not white, because scientists have found numerous traces of pigment on their surface. Over time, the pigment was erased under the influence of weather factors, so the masters of the Renaissance were sure that they were recreating a sample of antiquity. However, white has long been a Canon, so today sculptors create snow-white statues. Before starting work, the master makes a small copy of plasticine, and then creates a full-size version of drywall. After that, he gets to work, using marble, marble chips or bronze. Most often used is marble, so the master’s working tools are hammers and mallets. One wrong move can destroy the work, but the result is worth the effort.
A piece of plastic art will decorate a terrace, Park, garden, hotel or restaurant hall, office, cottage territory, or even an interior made in antique, Greek or classical style. Antique sculpture is better perceived from afar, so it is worth putting it:
An antique statue is a composition of one or more characters in natural growth. For the interior of houses are usually made smaller versions. The statue needs free space, so the area where it stands must remain free of small parts, tables, chairs, etc.
In the Art Sculptor studio you can order any antique sculptures for the home or park gardening sculptures, as well as memorial plaques. Well-known craftsmen will make for you female images, male or sculptures of children, as well as a monument to an ancient or mythical character. Professional masters have excellent artistic taste, so they will bring to life any of your fantasies and help you choose an image for your site or interior. Famous sculptors of the country work in the studio. Vasily Borodai is the grandson of the creator of the Motherland sculpture. His works are always concise, meaningful and carry a clear message. Vladimir Shevchenko creates dynamic statues that make a strong impression and evoke strong emotions. Alexey Leonov is a master intuitionist, his sculptures are spiritual images embodied in stone. He combines academic features and innovative trends in his works. Each statue is a unique work of art. A custom-made sculpture will decorate your home or garden, and you can enjoy every day a unique work of art that reflects your taste and personality.