
Вогняний Півень. 2016 - img 9702
Alexey Leonov
Вогняний Півень. 2016
Білий Павич. 2021 - img 95840
Alexey Leonov
Білий Павич. 2021
Ідилія.  2012 - img 9602
Alexey Leonov
Ідилія. 2012
Phoenix. 2003. - p1010197
Alexey Leonov
Phoenix. 2003.
67,5 х 39 х 24
Saint Francis with a wolf. 2020 - franczisk asizskij removebg preview 1
Alexey Leonov
Saint Francis with a wolf. 2020
Teepee on an elephant. 2014. - tipi na slone 2014. removebg preview
Alexey Leonov
Teepee on an elephant. 2014.
Thinker. 2015. - myslitel 2015. removebg preview
Alexey Leonov
Thinker. 2015.
Белый орел. Победа. 2009. Шамот. 73 х 50 х 46.
Alexey Leonov
White Eagle. Victory. 2009.
73 х 50 х 46
скульптура идиллия
Alexey Leonov
Idyll. 2012.
32 х 48 х 50
Птица Феникс
Alexey Leonov
Phoenix. 2013.
скульптура бронзовый орел
Alexey Leonov
Eagle. 2013.
Bronze, marble
72 х 46 х 36
садовая скульптура купить
Alexey Leonov
St. Sergius of Radonezh with a bear. 2009.
Artificial stone

“... Animal children must be protected.

The issue of motherhood is the same as that of humanity. “

Elena Roerich

Artists still draw inspiration from a variety of earthly forms. Sculpture of animal studies have long won a strong place in the visual arts. Animal sculptures  are not inferior to portraits, statues, and monuments. If we turn to the history of Soviet animal forms sculpture , then the names of A.Sotnikov, I.Efimov, V.Vatagin appear in memory first of all.

Artists of the group “Author’s sculptures” depict animals as they are in the most peaceful and balanced state. They convey the character of each beast. Each sculpture of animal, each “character” has its own pattern of movement: some – “freeze”, others – rapidly “fly”, and others – “play.”

An important animals clay sculpture in the work of Alexey Leonov is the unity of man with nature and animals: “Idyll”, “Eagle”, “Eagle in Aspiration”, “Bird Phoenix”. The bronze animal sculpture “Idyll” demonstrates the relationship of man and the representative of the lower kingdoms – the bear. The child sleeps peacefully on a huge bear – harmony and idyll is possible only with a balance of principles. Man, as a more developed, conscious creature, is responsible for the life of the animal world, he is called to live in harmony with all kingdom worlds on Earth. According to the author’s worldview, nature sculpture of animal  calls on a person to be commensurate, to create peace.

Animal sculptures

Animals were the subject of sculptural compositions of many peoples of the world. In prehistoric times, animal forms sculpture were ritually magical in nature. In the second half of the last century, three-dimensional incarnations of animals acquired easel shape. Due to the diversity of the animal world, people have never had a shortage of plots for animal works. The oldest animal sculpture clay, the photo of which can be found on the net, depicts Dogs,  horses, birds, lions. One of the most famous metal animal sculpture in the world was set in Rome. This is the legendary Capitoline Wolf – one of the symbols of this art movement. Animals gained particular importance in sculpture in the Middle Ages and in the Renaissance. Dog Cerberus, lions, statues of horses, birds – all these animal statues decorated halls of magnificent palaces, squares of ancient cities, green city parks and cozy private gardens. Animalistic plots reflect not only the plasticity of different types of animals, but also certain features that people have endowed them with. Modern animal forms sculpture combine the classical approach and the constant search for new forms and meanings. Masters use new techniques and unexpected materials – bronze animal sculpture and animal clay sculpture . Sculptures of birds and animals often carry some allegorical meaning. The artist-sculptor deeply penetrates the essence of the behavior of the animal, analyzes it in different situations, trying to most accurately embody it in the material. Animal sculptures  not only anatomically accurately conveys the structure of the body, but also demonstrates its habits. Therefore, in many animal forms sculpture are depicted in dynamics. You can buy animal sculpture in our sculpture studio. We work with different materials and in different techniques! Sculptors realize any sculpture of animal for you  as quickly and tastefully as possible. Sculptors to order – any of your requests as quickly and tastefully as possible.