Zoroaster. 2010

Author: Alexey Leonov
Material: Shamotte
Location: "ETNOMIR" Cultural Education Center

“Happiness comes to them who bring happiness to others”.


about 628-551 BC

Sage, reformer, patron of the people of the whole world

Theory of Zoroaster could be expressed with three fundamental rules: good thoughts, good words, and good actions. It appeals to cultivate in person justice, faith, courage, decency, righteousness and godliness. The prophet highly honored the feminine principle, he praised the greatness of cosmic love in his covenants.

According to the ideas of Zoroaster, the light is a visible form of God in physical world, is a symbol of justice. Worshiping the light of the earth, the Zoroastrians worship the Supreme Beginning. Zoroastrianism introduces the concept of a posthumous court, where there are counting of acts committed in life. In case if person made more good deeds in live, his soul gets the House of songs.

The prophet’s sermon was clearly ethical; he criticizes violence, praised peace between people, honesty and constructive work, and believed in faith in the One God (Ahura).

The prophet was also famous as an astrologer. Zoroastrian astrological system is the ancestor of all subsequent currents  in astrology.

WORK “Avesta”.