Lao Tzu. 2010. “Great Teachers of Humanity” eхhibition.

Author: Alexey Leonov
Material: Shamotte

«Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power».

« Wise man Tao is an act without struggle».

LAO TZU – the ancient Chinese philosopher who lived in 600-500 BC. The founder of Taoism, one of the currents of the Chinese philosophical thought.

At the center of Lao Tzu philosophy is the concept of “tao” (chinese – “way”) – the beginning, the unity of existence and non-existence. Lao Tzu prescribed the wise rulers not to wage war and not live in luxury, but to cultivate the desire to live simply, purely and naturally in their people. The universe is a source of harmony, so everything in the world, from a plant to a man, is beautiful in its original state.

Lao Tzu combined the notions of the mundane and celestial, natural and supernatural. Taoist wisdom is to know the whole, not to frustrate the development of entity; to gain the plentitude of existence through “self-withdrawal.” The idea of “non-doing” does not mean passivity and inaction. This is the pursuit of “disengagement” the pursuit of Tao. His works “Tao Te Ching” (The Book of the Tao) is collection of aphorisms.