Quetzalcoatl. 2010

Author: Alexey Leonov
Material: Шамот
Location: "ETNOMIR" Cultural Education Center

QUETZALCOATL –one of the three main deities, the creator of the world, man and culture, Master of the elements, the God of the Morning Star  of the Central America Indians.


In the codes, Quetzalcoatl was usually depicted as a bearded man in a mask or with a serpent covered with green feathers. The name Quetzalcoatl means “a serpent covered with quetzal feathers” (quetzal was the sacred bird of the ancient Maya and Aztec).

According to myths and legends, this was the wisest of gods, a symbol of divine wisdom. He preached love of neighbor, calling for blessed deeds. The teacher brought important cultural achievements to the nations -norms and moral principles of life, calendar, art, as well as crafts, corn seeds. Quetzalcoatl taught people to follow the movement of stars and calculate dates on a calendar, find and process precious stones, build, create mosaics.

Quetzalcoatl brought people knowledge and gave the basics of mathematics, medicine, astronomy, writing, jewelry, weaving. Quetzalcoatl on the Yucatan Peninsula is known as Kukulkan, there he founded the cities of Chichen Itza, Mayapan and Uxmal.