Sculpture is a real decoration of the interior. Creating a unique atmosphere through accents on the beautiful and even “reviving” the space – all this is capable of sculpture. What is an easel sculpture? The name itself indicates that the sculpture was created using a sculpture machine. The purpose of such plastic is interior decoration.
Easel sculpture is mostly small in size, close to life size, or much smaller, taking into account close inspection and perception. Immediate proximity to perception is characterized by its features. Easel sculpture, as a rule, is deep, psychological, reveals the image through narrative or symbolic language. Often an easel sculpture is created using allegory.
The objects of the image are different – from the animal and plant world to abstract cosmic concepts.
The high level of easel sculpture is distinguished by the artistic processing of details, skillful processing of material, such as fireclay, bronze, as well as the ability to reveal the depth of content and apply techniques of emotional influence.
Easel sculpture has different types of composition: bust, portrait, statuette, figure, group.
Sculptors “Author’s sculpture” offer the manufacture of various types of works of this kind and non-standard solutions in the depiction of classical themes. One of the most masterful examples presented in the workshop is a portrait. Feature of busts, portraits of the sculptor Alexey Leonov – transfer of character and an internal condition of the portrayed, masterful processing of characteristic features of the person. The master pays special attention to the eyes – a unique technique of deepening fireclay gives depth, awareness of the portrait.
Swami Vivekananda. 2014, fireclay
Omar Khayyam. 2011, fireclay
Pushkin Alexander..2014, fireclay
Hypatia. 2015, fireclay
Easel sculpture – is mainly a sculpture of small forms – the most common type – a statuette. Author’s Sculpture Workshop offers a wide selection of sculptures for interior decoration. The genre diversity of sculpture is very diverse: ancient sculpture, children’s and women’s images, animalistics, Greek sculpture and many others.
A figure is a separate three-dimensional sculpture depicting human, mythical figures or animals.
Easel sculpture often depicts the animal world, usually through the disclosure of the unique properties inherent in each species. .