New Noah

Author: Алексей Леонов
Material: Шамот
Location: Частное собрание

“Before the flood, people got married, feasted, and traded, but Noah was already choosing the best oak trees for his ark.”

The Teachings of Living Ethics.

The sculpture is dedicated to the righteous Noah of the New Time. Let us remember the Old Testament hero who was saved by God from the Flood. God, foreseeing the destruction of the world, commanded Noah to build the ark of salvation. Noah built a ship and took on board members of his family and “a pair of every creature.” When the waters of the world’s oceans rose, Noah set off on his unknown voyage. At the end of the flood, the ark washed up on the Ararat Mountains, and a new round of human evolution began. According to the Bible, Noah lived 950 years.

It is interesting that in many cultures and beliefs of different peoples such stories are sacredly preserved. For example, in India, the legend tells of the first man Manu, who lived during the flood period in the belly of a fish, and when the waters subsided, he emerged from the fish locally in the region of Northern India. He became the father of the first people.

The sculptor emphasizes the formidability and importance of today’s events of the New Age, predicted by many prophets. The sculpture calls for aspiration to the spiritual world, manifestation of the best version of oneself, development of high qualities of one’s character – to do everything in order to become worthy of Noah’s Ark – a symbol of salvation and transition to the New World, destined for spiritual humanity.