Phoenix. 2003.

Author: Alexey Leonov
Material: shamote
Location: Частное собрание
Size: 67,5 х 39 х 24


The sculptural composition shows a mythological bird that has the ability to burn itself. The sculpture represents the Phoenix in its classic form – an eagle with soft eyes.

Symbol of the triumph of everlasting life, resurrection, faith, eternity and Jesus Christ. The Phoenix also symbolizes immortality, self-sacrifice, mildness and courage. A symbol of constant renewal when reborn from the ashes after burning.

According to legends, predicting death, the Phoenix curls its nest under the rays of the Sun. The nest burns to the ground, and a chick emerges from the ashes. According to other versions of the myth, the bird can burn itself, reborn from the ashes.

According to Herodotus, this bird comes from Assyria. Lives for 500 years. In Egypt, the Phoenix, as a symbol of the Sun, resurrection and immortality, was associated with the god Ra. In Japan, the Phoenix is a symbol of sincerity, loyalty, and justice. In China, Dragon and Phoenix are the main embodiments of male and female elements – Yin-Yang – the main symbols of Chinese cosmology and mythology.